Data Fields
PARAM Struct Reference

Data Fields

HALT halt
int iUnitMass
 Mass Unit for input/output.
int iUnitLength
 Length Unit for input/output.
int iUnitAngle
 Angle Unit for input/output.
int iUnitTime
 Time Unit for input/output.
char cSystemName [16]
 System name.
int iTideModel
 Integer version of tide model.
int bDiscreteRot
 Use Discrete Rotation model (CPL)
int bLog
 Write log file?
double l0
 Initial angular momentum.
double dl
 Change in angular momentum: (l-l0)/l0.
char * cOutputOrder [NUMOUT]
 Output order.
int iNumCols
 Number if columns in output file.
double dMinValue
 Minimum value for e and obl.
int bDoForward
 Perform forward integration?
double dForwTimeStep
 Time step for forward integration (years)
double dForwStopTime
 Forward integration time (years)
double dForwOutputTime
 Output interval in forward integration (years)
int bDoBackward
 Perfrom backward integration?
double dBackTimeStep
 Time step for backward integration (years)
double dBackStopTime
 Backward integration time (years)
double dBackOutputTime
 Output interval in Backward integration (years)
int bVarDt
 Use variable timestep?
double dTimestepCoeff
 Variable Timestep coefficients.
int iIntegration
 Integration method.
fvDerivs fDerivs
 Function pointer to derivatives.
fdEqSpin fEqSpin
 Function pointer to equilibrium spin rate.

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