Data Fields | |
HALT | halt |
int | iUnitMass |
Mass Unit for input/output. | |
int | iUnitLength |
Length Unit for input/output. | |
int | iUnitAngle |
Angle Unit for input/output. | |
int | iUnitTime |
Time Unit for input/output. | |
char | cSystemName [16] |
System name. | |
int | iTideModel |
Integer version of tide model. | |
int | bDiscreteRot |
Use Discrete Rotation model (CPL) | |
int | bLog |
Write log file? | |
double | l0 |
Initial angular momentum. | |
double | dl |
Change in angular momentum: (l-l0)/l0. | |
char * | cOutputOrder [NUMOUT] |
Output order. | |
int | iNumCols |
Number if columns in output file. | |
double | dMinValue |
Minimum value for e and obl. | |
int | bDoForward |
Perform forward integration? | |
double | dForwTimeStep |
Time step for forward integration (years) | |
double | dForwStopTime |
Forward integration time (years) | |
double | dForwOutputTime |
Output interval in forward integration (years) | |
int | bDoBackward |
Perfrom backward integration? | |
double | dBackTimeStep |
Time step for backward integration (years) | |
double | dBackStopTime |
Backward integration time (years) | |
double | dBackOutputTime |
Output interval in Backward integration (years) | |
int | bVarDt |
Use variable timestep? | |
double | dTimestepCoeff |
Variable Timestep coefficients. | |
int | iIntegration |
Integration method. | |
fvDerivs | fDerivs |
Function pointer to derivatives. | |
fdEqSpin | fEqSpin |
Function pointer to equilibrium spin rate. | |